How to Get Unstuck and Move Your Project in 6 Weeks

The Unstuck Lab 

Enrollment is now open!

Enrollment is now open!

April 8- May 13, 2024

  we’ll meet once a week on Mondays
19-21 hrs CET / 12-1 pm CST *
120 € for 6 weeks

Let's be honest—feeling stuck and resistant really sucks.

Ever feel like your projects are just going nowhere? Feel frustrated because you think you lack self-discipline? I understand. We all hit that wall, but you're not alone. The good news? The Unstuck Lab is here to help.


  • Breaking free from procrastination and finally advancing your projects.

  • Seeing real progress on your project every week, watching it grow.

  • Having a clear plan to overcome obstacles and that frustrating feeling of being stuck.

  • Creating the perfect work environment, based on research, to help you succeed.

  • Joining a supportive online group, where you meet weekly for accountability and motivation to push your project forward.

  • Unleashing your unique potential once you've overcome those hurdles holding you back.

You can find the topics we’ll cover in the sessions here

What’s the Unstuck Lab ?

It’s a 6-week online program designed for people, who feel stuck and are experiencing difficulties in advancing their projects.

It can help you to:

  1. Get unstuck:

    Learn useful strategies to maintain momentum when you encounter challenges and feel stuck again

  2. Move your project forward:

    We provide you with the ideal setup (backed by research) to get unstuck and advance your project

How does it work?

When you enroll at the Unstuck Lab, you’ll get access to our weekly sessions.

Each session consists of two parts, where you’ll:

  • Learn how to get Unstuck

In the first hour, participants will:

  • Gain insights into recognizing personal resistance and obstacles

  • Utilize personalized tools to effectively overcome these challenges

  • Engage in interactive exercises to learn from others' experiences

Develop a personalized strategy to tackle obstacles whenever they arise.

  • Make Progress on Your Project

The second hour is dedicated to:

  • Working on your project under the ideal conditions for getting unstuck

  • Finding the sweet spot between discipline and playfulness for making progress and achieving results

  • Applying and testing the tools learned in the previous session to overcome obstacles effectively

Move forward on your project and (re)discover the joy of making things happen.

What makes the Unstuck Lab different?

  • This isn’t a regular workshop—it's a supportive space, where you learn, reflect, and develop practical ways to overcome challenges.

  • The framework uses research-based knowledge, accountability, and group support along with hands-on practice.

  • We meet once a week to learn, gain insights and make progress on our projects.

What you’ll get

According to previous participants, these were the main benefits of joining the Unstuck Lab

  • Working alongside others creates a supportive environment for finding solutions and gaining momentum.

  • Participants gain a more realistic approach to their projects, understanding the necessary actions and identifying setbacks and self-sabotage.

  • The Unstuck Lab offers insights into the human side of resistance and fear. The focus is on developing strategies to identify and overcome challenges and advance your projects.

  • Participants learn to set goals aligned with their individual processes, promoting a sense of autonomy and control over their projects.

  • The Unstuck Lab provides a structured path of self-reflection, guiding participants through a process to identify and address challenges.

Unstuck Lab Testimonials

“How do you describe something that you didn't even realise you needed in your life, but once you have participated you realise you needed to do this from the very beginning?”

I not only learnt so many amazing tips and tricks but I learnt the human side of resistance and fear and how we all experience it in one way or another, what we can do to move through the fear and resistance, how we can work with others to figure out what exactly our fear and resistance looks like because it really is different for everyone and then writing a list of what you want to do, holding yourself accountable to do that and see how much progress is possible in just 6 weeks is astounding.

I knew I was stuck before doing the Unstuck Lab but I didn't really know why and how and even if it was possible to get my creative flair back as I really felt it had left me but from doing this Lab, I not only found it but I've made so much progress, it's like my creative match has been re lit and I feel that it can't be blown out.

It doesn't mean I won't feel fear and resistance over and over again, but now I'll know what to look out for and what ways I can distinguish it faster and not let it take over in me and prevent me from making all my ideas come to life.

I'm so thankful for this Lab and will be coming back to it's teachings always. Everyone needs to do this, fear and resistance doesn't have to control us and our ideas, we can all get Unstuck!!”

— Anne H.

Enrollment is now open!

We start on Monday, April 8

  • Frequency: Once a week, for 6 weeks

  • Duration: 2 hours

  • Time: 19:00-21:00 CET / 12:00-14:00 CST

  • Day: Mondays

  • Price: 120 € for the 6 weeks

*final schedule tbc and can be adjusted by the needs of the group.


I truly believe that the Unstuck Lab framework can bring great results to everyone who does the work.

But, I understand that it can be difficult when something is new.

You can read more about the approach here, and also there's a money guarantee if you do the work but don't get unstuck.

What I’m here for

I’m Mel. As your guide on the side, I’m on a mission to help you move forward and unlock your unique potential, shortening your learning curve along the way.

More About me

“I worked on my personal project that I was feeling kinda resistant to take action. I have gained a more realistic approach to my attitude and noticed the necessary actions for my project were not as romantic as they are in my mind. It is interesting to be able to notice the setbacks and self-sabotage (they're everywhere). But if I don't keep taking steps there won't be results. It wasn't fun noticing that!  My main takeaway was to start with the smallest step.

It felt natural to open up and share with the other participants. I’d suggest Unstuck Lab to anyone who feels lost and doesn't know how to keep moving again in their project.!”

— Hande B.

Unstuck Lab Testimonials

Who is it for?

Human beings with different passions, creative pursuits and projects, who:
  • Feel overwhelmed and struggle to take the initial steps.

  • Are caught in a cycle of procrastination.

  • Feel stuck in their project's progress.

  • Spend more time thinking about their project than actively working on it.

  • Have projects that require completion.

  • Seek a boost in momentum.

  • Desire accountability and support from a community.

Who is it not for?

Human beings, who:
  • Aren't struggling with resistance

  • Prefer a one-on-one approach

  • Don't have a project they want to work on

  • Are not willing to commit to attending the sessions

  • Don't want to put in the effort (yes, it takes effort)